drum roll.......drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......
ladies and gentlemen, introducing, for your entertainment, your consternation, amazement, bewilderment and stupefaction, the one, the only walking, woofing, wagging grow bag.
yup, Toffee's in the wars again.
He's had grass seeds growing between his furry toes before, but who'd have thunk that he'd get one lodged in his ear. That's right, in it, down deep and rooting into his ear drum....it was the leaves and sprouts that gave it away, not tangled in his hair, but somehow attached.
Actually it was more comical, (unless of course you're Toffee), than that.
He shook his head so violently that he burst a blood vessel in his ear. By the time I saw it in the morning it looked a big hairy balloon on the side of his head.
The upshot of which is that the vet has drained and cauterized it and put a criss cross pattern of stitches in his ear so that it can't happen again - and of course removed the offending shrubbery.
And Toff - has a shaved ear and will spend the next two weeks with his head in a bucket.
OH*MY*GOD!!! Poor Toffee!!! I hope he feels better soon. I would say he looks a little post anesthesia or stoned.
Poor poppet!
Bless her...
"We want a shrubbery!"-
lol! love it :)
Wasn't it the vet that you once mentioned as a potential date? Maybe Toffee is just trying to play matchmaker? No?
Due to my recent ear surgery I can sympathize greatly with Toffee but he's a much cuter patient than me!
Poor sweet guy! I have SO much catching up to do...I had NO idea all this was going on!
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